Monday, December 08, 2008

A Beautiful Day

It has been said that the Native American warriors, upon going into battle, would smile and say, it is a fine day to die.

Sunday morning, December 7th, dawned as a gorgeous day in Southwest Michigan. It was the day my mother, Irene Julia Varga Swift, age 93, chose to leave this crippling life, leave the pain and confusion caused by a debilitating stroke, and return to spirit.

No one in my family, including her 91-year-old sister, was allowed to see her for almost two years. She existed in her own home, with my brother who for reasons only God understands, felt it best to "protect" her from us. I said good-bye to her over a year ago, when anyone in the family last saw her. I grieved for her at that time. She has finally chosen to be released from that imprisonment and it is in my belief, that she is in the arms of her higher power and others in her spiritual family. Aho.


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