Saturday, March 14, 2009


Timing is everything and we as creatures of time have to abide by it in respect to others. We all can't have the green light -- someone has to wait at the intersection with the red light until it is their time to "go." A fetus takes a certain time to mature before it is his time to come into this world. No matter how quickly you eat, you still have to take the time to nurture your body with food and drink.

Everything happens when the time is right for it to manifest. When you have prepared your mind, body, and spirit for something it becomes the "right time" to happen. When you wait and wait concerning something that involves another person or persons you need to know that even though it is the right time for you, it hasn't happened yet because it isn't the right time for others. One can not be pushed or cajoled into the "right time" to coincide with your schedule. Some never reach a particular goal in this lifetime and will have to do it all over again - that's what reincarnation is for (well, one reason anyway as I understand it.)

Take time, precious time, for yourself today. Go outside, take in a deep breath and smile that you have the freedom to do so. Old hymn from my childhood: "Take time to be holy, speak oft with the Lord..." Taking time for yourself, with yourself, with your higher power is holiness."


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