Monday, May 16, 2011


When I went to CHI to learn all about health-giving foods I knew it was a good thing. I learned and I practiced for all of two months..... and then the pumpkin pie at Thanksgiving was just too much to keep me on the good-food plan. I got lazy. Now, I'm on "regular" food and have gained weight and am feeling like crud.

Too lazy to take care of my health. What a sad thing. Now, it is a necessity with some kidney issues surfacing. So, here's the question -- good foods, raw juices, mainly vegetarian??? Or the average American Diet which kills with heart and cholesterol problems and packs on the weight which is even worse?

I've gotten into the poor me attitude and listing what I can't have to eat. Sigh. I look back at my October entries -- what happened to that enthusiastic person? She needs to resurface.

Send positive healing -- prayer if you believe in it -- just virtual hugs if you care at all. Or shake your head and keep going down the path where I've been for 54 years [I can't blame my diet on me for the first 10.] Help me help you heal too. Love and Light is ours.


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