Sunday, April 03, 2011

Memory of a Smile

Sorting through boxes - good flu past time - ya' can't do much else. However, this brought a smile to my spirit. I had corresponded with an elderly gentleman 15 years ago. "Elderly" I say because HE said so. I had never thought of him in those terms. I'd sent him a letter, complimenting something he had done. The following is WORD FOR WORD - a note that he faxed to me.

"Shirley, Amidst the clammer of a universe that has educated itself [far too] beyond with intelligence, it still continues, on occasion, to bring joy to the heart of a poor soul that has been trampled by the footery of a society that seemingly, more each day, has lost touch with the conscience of humanity. Thank you for the smile. David Dean" 9/18/96

I still smile when I think of him.


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