A Rainbow

Colorful Salad - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Color Filled Condiments
Having just spent the weekend at the "Raw Chef I" certification class, I am still feeling high and filled with all the colors of the rainbow - eggplant, blueberries, peppers, kale, bananas, oranges, and tomatoes -- well, that is "sort of" a rainbow. There was a rainbow of students as well - from all walks of life and from Oakville and Toronto, Canada; Maryland; Ohio; Illinois; Almost Indiana; and Michigan to name a few homes.
We learned a great deal about gourmet raw dishes - they were so tasty. They were also time consuming to prepare - but we didn't mind because during the lessons of "how to" we learned about each other. This class was as much about working together and adding love to all that we do as it was about ingredients that make a smashing marinara sauce or an award winning rawlicious chocolate cake.
I was very glad for the encouragement as it helped me get back on track. I was eating about 60-75% raw foods.... and hopefully I will up that percentage.
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