Sunday, October 24, 2010

Four feet of Heavenly Space

It occurred to me that if I had all of my raw foods, seeds, nuts, herbs, in close proximity and easily accessible it would be easier to maintain this way of living. So, with veggies and fruits in the refrigerator immediately to the left of the workspace, and other items marked, it was relatively easy to set up. I had the cupboard from an old place; the shelves were from a garage sale find; fancy jars from Salvation Army, blue canning jars from my daughter and from a couple of garage sales. The wire rack was my son's.

That's a native medicine wheel mandala on the wall to the left. This whole way of eating is for healing. Other items were found about the house and at Good Will. So, for a few dollars a really nice work area can be put together.

My aunt looks on from the pix in the upper right hand board; her green seed grinder just below. There are seeds sprouting in the cupboard below and wheat grass growing in the window to the right. Never knew healing could be so much fun...then again "a merry heart doeth good like a medicine."


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