Why are people fat? Too lazy to prepare.Why do people not prepare? Too lazy to make lists.
Why are people fat? They don't eat right.
Why don't people eat right? Too lazy to prepare.
Why are people fat? They don't exercise.
Why don't people exercise? They are too fat to move.
Why are people fat? They lose motivation.
Why do people lose motivation. Too caught up in "poor me."
Now, substitute the word "people" for "Shirley" -- as in: Why is Shirley fat?
Why am I writing this? Because I am fat, lazy, and unmotivated.
I am on THREE medications for blood pressure and NONE of them work.
Why? Because I am fat. So, it goes back to -- why am I fat?
Because I am lazy and unmotivated.
And I might add hurting and ill and angry with me.
This post because I needed a starting point of getting better.
I'd hoped to start my green smoothies again - but that lasted two days.
Why? I didn't make a list of ingredients, didn't go shopping, and wasn't prepared.
Now - if I know all the WHYS - perhaps there can be a starting point. Like, uh, today?
I have an appointment with a naturopath Saturday. I am done with all this western medicine and how it does nothing but treat symptoms - not causes. The cause in my case - fat... which can be fixed... just need God's help.
Broken - but wanting to be fixed.
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