How many times, over the past years have I started a post by saying "Day One" ? Too many times. And too many attempts that have been messed up by chocolate or cheese cake or chocolate cheese cake....Friend Mark said "an addict is always an addict." I'd heard that before but not really believed it. All of a sudden I understood -- I am the only one that can overcome addiction. If I allow myself the wrong foods, I will slink back into the abysmal pool of poor me...
So, have been studying and learning about self love and self respect. My dear God, I'm 64 - wouldn't you think I'd know about that by now? No - habits and life-patterns have been too ingrained.
Having read Gabor Mate's interview on "Discovery Now" [supplied by Friend Carl] I came face to face with old ideas that do not ring true any longer. In a nutshell - we are responsible for our selves - mind, body, and spirit, and can not attribute problems to genetics. It's all conditioning.
Mark introduced me to some Taoist breathing/sounds; 5-organs meditation. What a stimulating and healing this has been giving me now for 4 days. And four days of "green smoothies" and four days of knowing I'm responsible for me.... really knowing it.
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