Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Day One (again)

I have four books and two movies and two Dyer CDs to (read, see, listen to) and am going to see THE SECRET dvd today......I have started so many varied projects that I need to PUT ON THE BRAKES -- I have to try to create a safe place for me before I overload.

Things lately have made me crazy -- wondering about myself, my worth, why I'm trying to make others look bad (so I will look better???) [some of you will know what I'm talking about]. I certainly have been missing the mark of service to the universe. I am now on a campaign to put everything -- all the books, DVDs, stories, e-mails, etc. aside JUST TO WORK ON SHIRLEY and get some perspective on who I am. I want to be honest with myself.

So, working on Shirley means just that.......I will be e-mailing the dear ones in my life but I am NOT talking about anything that happened before this very minute in time. I will talk only about myself and my growth (and yours if you care to share). I am going to address one area at at time........I have invested money in The Secret so I am going to see that first; read the book; write about it and then go onto other things.

This is day one of my campaign to regain the Shirley I used to be.


At February 28, 2007 7:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You Go Girl!


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