Soooooooooo, patience is a virtue, eh? Whomever said that did not have my temperment. I have this issue that has been weighing heavily on me for months. It's something over which I have no control (God grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change...) and yet, with a few choice words from me, things could be sorted out. However, it takes courage (God grant me the courage to change the things I can...) to risk change by forcing the issue. And issues that mature from deep within, slowly, healing totally, take time. Oh, we're back to patience again, are we not? That's when relying completely on our higher power is important. It takes wisdom to allow unconditional love to grow beyond our limited human knowledge. (God grant me the wisdom to know the difference.) Ah, St. Francis, thankyou for walking your walk, and for giving us the words that help us endeavor to endure in the face of uncertainty. God is faithful.
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