Day Twelve
Hmmm... thought things would be better by now. The past days have just shown me how UN-DISCIPLINED I have become -- how used to "changing my goals" I've become to suit my daily whims. I suppose learning things about oneself is a good thing.Life changing decision today - it only took 12 days of trying things on my own to understand that I need help. Prayer - #1 because my strength and motivation come from a personal relationship with my higher power. Association with like-minded individuals - #2 because dietary counseling can help with ideas for discipline. Motivation - #3 because my health is at risk.
So, I admit that I have an eating disorder that has led me through many ups and downs. Eight days ago I thought (for the umpteenth time that my motivation was solid.) I guess it was getting there, for now my motivation has led me to continued stimulus.... and it is NOT medicinal! yea!
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