Skeptical about "The Secret"
The Secret is a compilation of universal truths.....nothing original. It doesn't give any room to several different dogmatic beliefs: karma, reincarnation and choosing beforehand what to learn, nor pre-destination. Cathe, a friend who watched it with me, said she thought it was more like Scientology. (I am not knowledgeable about this.) I bought the book at Sam's Club ($14.95) and it will be a good reminder from time to time.......($23.95 at Barnes & Noble.)I'm glad I only paid $4.95 for the one-time view on the computer and NOT the $35 for the DVD. I learned many of these truths in the charismatic church I was all boils down to: you can learn it all, take it in, but you have to ACT on the positive to see things manifest........nothing will just come to you like segments of The Secret portray. Toward the end of the DVD a few of the presenters say you must "act" on things.
Prediction: there will be a "THE SECRET PART 2" -- the author's secret is that she has become a millionaire by publishing this; others who talked of these universals secrets (Lao Tzu, Confucious, Jesus, Mohammed) did not.
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