December 25, 2005
This is the second year that I have a wreath on one side of the back door and a Mogen David in the window on the other side. I painted Merry Christmas over the wreath and Happy Chanukah on the window over the Mogen David. Ours is a “mixed tradition” household.I believe Christmas is about sharing the spirit of love with those who matter to you. All the accoutrements do not change the spirit. I think mostly they are only symbols to “remind” a person of the holiday. It’s a sign of our collective world society to have to be reminded………however, if the true spirit of love is in your heart then the traditional candles, the trees, Santa Claus, gift exchanges, special foods (cookies - yum!), holiday songs, etc. are just extras – because it is the Christed ray of love that counts.
The tradition of lighting the menorah is to remind us of the miracle God performed for the Maccabees. The lighted Mogen David (The 6-sided star of David), the dreidel cookies, etc. are just extras too -- if the true spirit of thanksgiving is in your heart.
As I look at it this morning, I see a household that is steeped in traditions – each for different reasons but each that bless the Divine Creator for miracles that resulted in thanksgiving and love. One doesn’t need “holydays” to live in that attitude. Chanukah is a yearly reminder of G_d’s faithfulness. Christmas is a yearly reminder of the Messiah’s love for humankind.
Surrounded by thanksgiving and love one can live in the essence of peace, joy, and yes, healing. That seems like a really great “mixture” to me.