Saturday, June 28, 2008


I was intrigued by a statement of a gentleman, whom I had not physically met. He wrote: "It said that the very act of viewing electrons and protons on a micro basis, altered the behavior of those elements of matter. Those same physicists have claimed to have proven that once any two quantum particles have interacted, they can subsequently influence each other no matter how widely they are separated. In other words, if two electrons interact in a lab and one stays in the lab and the other ends up in outer space somewhere, anything that affects the one in the lab, will immediately affect the other in outer space! That requires instant communication beyond the speed of light. Recent experiments have confirmed that this is the way the subatomic quantum world functions. NOW, that suggests a truism on a human behavior level between two enlightened souls. When something affects one soul, the other soul, with which it was previously entwined is also immediately affected!"

My reaction was agreement with the exception of changing his words of choice "WAS PREVIOUSLY" to my words of choice "IS CONTINUALLY" as it applies to humans. Quantum particles are without emotional limitations and can readily interact.

I am implying that in talking about a human mind/body/spirit connection that transcends distance, it is human preferences that impede this sort of connection. The key towards enlightened communication: unconditional acceptance and open-minded response.

Assuming both you the reader, and I, the writer are enlightened beings, my offering this information on this site, your reading this, has touched each of our thought patterns and set off a chain reaction. At least on some subatomic level we have connected... and will remain so - to whatever capacity we open ourselves.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Universal Order

Friend, Dan, has been sending me things about the hollow earth theory -- and I have been listening to some interesting things on line. We spoke of things "not quite fitting together" and how he is investigating and having wonderful results putting things into place for him, applying the theories he's reading.

My own thought has been that there IS ORDER in the universe. There are many facets and unless we use our BRAINS we just see them as separate, when in actuality all are like a jig saw puzzle - fitting into one another, complimenting, etc. -- People speak of "serendipity" when two things happen that are similar and "just happen" perhaps simultaneously. After reading this material I am considering that nope, there is no such thing as serendipity. It is order. We are just too close to see it all and need to be able to remove our egos to see the bigger picture of existance.

PACE Program

Well, I said I would “report” about how the PACE program is going. The Cardio-Fit exercise was really going well, but it affected my sciatic nerve and my leg started hurting again. I had been up to 5 sets of 75 on the machine; the chiropractor told me I needed to do something else.

Armed with the determination of MIND over BODY – I did what was needed – I started walking. My heart rate went up 35% after exercise and four minutes later it was FOUR points below the heart rate before the exercise for a MINUS 4.5% gain. WOW. Goes to show you that you don’t need any special equipment or gym membership to take care of yourself – just the determination.

Friday, June 20, 2008


A beautiful 30-year-old friend told me about beginning an exciting regime of weight control and exercise. She said she didn’t want to be overweight, have diabetes, be out of breath climbing the stairs, have a stroke, and just plain look fat 30 years from now. [It struck me, that 30 years her senior, she was describing me.] I applauded her and asked about what she was doing. She told me about “PACE – Rediscovering Your Native Fitness.” Well, I ordered the program on line ($28) and immediately saw the wisdom. After only three days on the program I am amazed at my heart’s response. I am doing sets on my cardio-fit machine. (I used to use it slowly) -- now it is 60 rapidly, rest, 60 rapidly, rest, etc. for 5 times. I sweat.......I breathe heart pounds.......I feel good.

Day one - pre-exercise pulse: 66 after exercise: 120 5 minutes later: 96
Day three - pre-exercise pulse: 64 after exercise: 96 5 minutes later: 77

Each day I am using more intensity in the work-out as well. So, what I'm seeing is heart health beginning! I walk from my car to the office every morning -- some times I would have to stop half way up the hill and take a deep breath. This morning, I was at the top of the hill and started down the other side before I realized I wasn't even breathing heavily. AND, that is just in 3 days.

So, I’m chalking this up as a major “life-discovery” – Just sharing.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


A connection of two unrelated things that may, on the grander scheme of the universe actually be linked has come to light:

1) - I was sharing elemental pix with my daughter and the same day --
2) - a correspondent sent this Shakespearean quote:
"What is your substance, whereof are you made, That millions of strange shadows on you tend?"

Me thinks Will doth know about elementals!!

Wednesday, June 04, 2008


Just started “The Handbook of Chakra Healing” by Kalashatra Govinda. Wisdom Circle teacher, Laura G. gave a series of lessons, using this for one of the informational sources and she was SO right. This book is a wealth of information.

I believe its premise is that all the chakras are the beginning point from which one can use other modalities and they all work together. If you start from the chakras and branch out use of gemstones, aromatherapy, yoga, ti chi, breathing, etc. are all tied together! Will try to write more about this as I traverse its pages.


Pronounced Ah gayp – means opened widely or open-mouthed.

Pronounced Ah gah pay – means love that is wholly selfless and spiritual (unconditional)

Does that mean that unconditional love is wide open?