Sunday, May 29, 2011

Finally Found the Love of My Life

I have a friend, George, who mentioned something that got my self-creating juices flowing. (A muse I supposed you would say.) In any case the topic is "The Love of My Life" and how that relates to food and being ready for the love of one's life when they appear on the scene.

I am learning that I am the love of my life. Anyone else who comes along can either compliment my life or bring me misery. What makes me miserable? Not being able to have the object of my desire -- be it chocolate cake, ice cream, or a satisfying sex partner. Any thing that gets in the way of my being the love of my life... that is misery.

Cheese cake, or any other gooey dessert filling my stomach, or a man filling my body with his -- both are just symptoms of needing something other than me. Graphic? I suppose... but true.

Perhaps one of the reasons we humans are here on earth is to learn that we are all that we need. Being co-creators with God, food, want of a sexual partnership, or money, or anything else or any habit that we allow to get in the way of realizing our importance to ourselves does not honor the wonderous creations we are. Understanding our position in God allows us to be the love of our lives.

Relationships? They are only a testing ground to give us ideas of where we are in our path to self-realization and self-love. They are necessary. Otherwise, how would we ever learn to respect and honor ourselves? We'd never know how fulfilling it is to give and receive love and honor and respect - without those relationships.

Relationships come and go. They do not have to be sexual, but can be intimate in many other aspects and most fulfilling - most rewarding - and educational.

So, in this path of mine - seeking now to be healthy physically, sweets and treats have a new meaning... and I am pleased to announce that I have finally FINALLY discovered the love of my life - me.

As a side-note. Today would have been my dad's 95th birthday. This year, he gave me this gift - the insight to understand loving me. [His name was George also.]


Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Why are people fat? Too lazy to prepare.
Why do people not prepare? Too lazy to make lists.

Why are people fat? They don't eat right.
Why don't people eat right? Too lazy to prepare.

Why are people fat? They don't exercise.
Why don't people exercise? They are too fat to move.

Why are people fat? They lose motivation.
Why do people lose motivation. Too caught up in "poor me."

Now, substitute the word "people" for "Shirley" -- as in: Why is Shirley fat?

Why am I writing this? Because I am fat, lazy, and unmotivated.
I am on THREE medications for blood pressure and NONE of them work.
Why? Because I am fat. So, it goes back to -- why am I fat?
Because I am lazy and unmotivated.

And I might add hurting and ill and angry with me.

This post because I needed a starting point of getting better.
I'd hoped to start my green smoothies again - but that lasted two days.
Why? I didn't make a list of ingredients, didn't go shopping, and wasn't prepared.

Now - if I know all the WHYS - perhaps there can be a starting point. Like, uh, today?

I have an appointment with a naturopath Saturday. I am done with all this western medicine and how it does nothing but treat symptoms - not causes. The cause in my case - fat... which can be fixed... just need God's help.

Broken - but wanting to be fixed.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

May 19, 2011

God is faithful.
God is sending a buyer for Auntie Ethel's house - Friday showing.
God is healing me - Back on the right diet track.
God is giving me a new job - still waiting for this one - but I know it's there.
God is showing me which house to buy... so many choices.

Beautiful day... overcast - but inside it's warm.

Monday, May 16, 2011


When I went to CHI to learn all about health-giving foods I knew it was a good thing. I learned and I practiced for all of two months..... and then the pumpkin pie at Thanksgiving was just too much to keep me on the good-food plan. I got lazy. Now, I'm on "regular" food and have gained weight and am feeling like crud.

Too lazy to take care of my health. What a sad thing. Now, it is a necessity with some kidney issues surfacing. So, here's the question -- good foods, raw juices, mainly vegetarian??? Or the average American Diet which kills with heart and cholesterol problems and packs on the weight which is even worse?

I've gotten into the poor me attitude and listing what I can't have to eat. Sigh. I look back at my October entries -- what happened to that enthusiastic person? She needs to resurface.

Send positive healing -- prayer if you believe in it -- just virtual hugs if you care at all. Or shake your head and keep going down the path where I've been for 54 years [I can't blame my diet on me for the first 10.] Help me help you heal too. Love and Light is ours.

Thursday, May 05, 2011

Too Blessed to be Stressed!

I am so blessed. God is sending someone to buy my aunt's house.
I am so blessed. God is giving me a new job.
I am so blessed. God is healing me.
Sending doesn't mean "sent"
Giving doesn't mean "gave" and
healing doesn't mean "healed."
BUT IT IS ALL in the works, so to is all Happening.... even as I write.
WHY? Because God is Faithful -- God is not being faithful -- God IS Faithful.