Friday, January 20, 2006
Thursday, January 19, 2006
Being Laid Up
An expression my dad used was “laid up.” I knew that to mean someone was recuperating from an accident, and that was similar to being “stove up” as a result of an illness. I’ve thought perhaps that expression came from the American past of some poor rheumatism sufferer trying to stay warm around the pot belly stove until the body could navigate better. John told me that “stove in” was something that happened to boats when something ran into them. Hmmm.Either way, rest was the key. After my recent foot surgery I was “laid up” for three weeks. At first I eagerly anticipated catching up on reading and writing. I cheerfully stacked several books next to the recliner where, for the duration, I would lounge about while resting.
After three days I exhausted the light reading I had and got reacquainted with the healing powers of Reiki. A case of the “blues” set in because I wasn’t used to resting so much. I totally missed both Christmas and New Years with my children. Thank heaven that John was about and attentive!
I became accustomed to using a walker to hobble to the bathroom where a raised toilet seat became my throne. I did some laundry and a few dishes and fixed lunches while John was at work. However, the after-surgery appointment proved that I had not entered into the spirit of being laid up and was told to STAY OFF my feet. I resorted to TV, prayer and medibation, Suduko, crossword puzzles and doing jigsaw puzzles on my lap. Ellen, Oprah, Phil, and Martha became my everyday friends. I didn’t even have a lot of time to use the computer.
I ordered two books from – Natural Cures “They” Don’t Want You to Know About by Kevin Trudeau and The Ultimate Weight Solution - The Seven Keys to Weight Loss Freedom by Dr. Phil McGraw…..both of which I devoured -- pun intended. I ordered Hunza no-hunger bread recipe (on-line) and made a couple of batches – it works! I also had gotten in touch with the fact that I needed to treat my body better and I ordered a total body purifier cleanse….we’ll see how that goes later!
After three weeks I was “released” from being laid up, and half-heartedly went back to work. By now I’d found two extraordinary books to chew on (another pun intended) and was reluctant to set them aside. Back to work found me exhausted at day’s end and I now go home at night directly to the recliner with my feet elevated again. John brings my dinner and I fall asleep soon thereafter. I haven’t found the time to get back into those books!
So, it seems the key to being laid up means rest and sleep, alternating with good mental stimulation. I’ve learned I’m NO mathematician – Suduko sucks! (Then why do I keep trying?)
However, look for more reviews on the two books I mentioned!!!