Subject to Interpretation
Subject to InterpretationMy cousin, Bill, asked how I define “higher power” and what is “the Light” that I speak of on this blogsite. It gives me the opportunity to collect my thoughts and express them. This is not an attempt to sway anyone’s thinking in 350 words or less – all of life is subject to interpretation.
If there are 10,000 people in a room, there are 10,000 paths directly to the center or heart of the Divine Creator. I would not presume to limit the Divine Creator to responding only to a percentage of those paths. “God” is known by hundreds of names and I choose to address the Divine Creator as my higher power. The Light is the universal certainty that only unconditional love is the truth. Some religions believe that Jesus Christ introduced this universal certainty. The vibrational ray of unconditional love is known as the Christed ray. Other great teachers, both prior to and after Christ’s physical presence on Earth have taught this same principle.
Man has developed their interpretations and gathered together to protect their collective beliefs in what is known as world religions and denominations. The beliefs limit the Divine Creator to their pattern and interpretation of what has been given. A prime example of differences in a Christian denomination is pre-determination vs. free will. I only observe this and am not critical.
With all this said, it is of little consequence what I personally believe. If it is important to you, as an individual, then I will encourage you to seek your higher power without limiting Him, Her, Them with a strict definition. To be alive means one is on-going, growing, learning, developing……. and that is what I am concerned with – learning how to apply unconditional love to every aspect of my life. I walk in the knowledge that I choose to not offend anyone, thus offending their religious beliefs and denominations, and thus limiting the indwelling Spirit of God. With that freedom, I do send you Light and Love and pray that each will find their individual connection with the Divine Creator.