Parting is Such Sweet Sorrow......
A very human reality came crashing down over my head, this past weekend, more forcefully than any other emotional wave has affected me. A month ago it appeared my partner and I would no longer be together. I did not accept this even though I went through the motions of telling people, packing, etc. etc.I had lived alone for eight months, waiting for John to return. … hoping that we could renew our life together……..and yet, I just learned that love dies. Where did I ever get the Pollyanna idea that human love is eternal? Maybe the definition is wrong…… doesn’t die – it just goes on permanent hiatus. Could it have been that what I defined as love truly was not……. and something that never was could neither be eternal, nor just away for a time. Perhaps it was a variation in definitions – between his vocabulary and mine – certainly it proved to be a contradiction instead of a spiritual connection.
Most definitely only the love of our Divine Creator for His/Her children is eternal.
For that spiritual reality, I am truly grateful. To those with whom I share a spiritual bond, I know, although human, our connection is also eternal.
This is the place where I should quote the poem about how persons come into your life for a “period of time” and “for a reason” – etc. I don’t know the poem, nor how to say good-bye without tears.