Sunday, November 18, 2007

Contact Me

I am available to give hour and a half lectures and demonstrations on alternative health methods to your classes or gatherings. A four-page outline and an 8-page glossary is available by e-mail. Contact me at:
Put LECTURE in the subject line so I will know you are not spam! (which is actually an rather not-so-tasty meat combination if you are of my generation.)
Best Light, Shirley

Thursday, November 15, 2007


In this day and age one never knows how "long" new friendships will last. Recently I met a writer (Mr. C) but it was a short-lived encounter. You might ask if I'm dissillusioned with the universe for having this brief, exciting interlude. No, and I'll tell you why..... because he brought an awareness to me about my writing that I might never have learned without his suggestions. I look forward to bringing a different genre of passion into my writing because of his observations. And all is in the universe as it needs to be and I'm looking forward to new ideas with anticipatory delight!