Spiritual Healing Direction
One thing many humans have against their well-being is their insatiable “need to understand” that which affects them and often, to their detriment, what affects others as well. The precepts of the Tao state that “to know someone is intelligence, but to know one’s self is wisdom.” That would seem a caution to mind your own business.Spiritual healing doesn’t rely on “what the ailment is” but channels healing energy from the universe into others, or receives it for themselves. Thus, the positive aspect of understanding develops if you are addressing an illness in yourself or for someone else and you understand how to go about listening.
The wisdom comes from listening to one’s own heart, one’s own ideas, one’s own spiritual guide(s). It is not a “need to understand” happening. It is a following of spiritual direction that is freely given – if only one listens … not always to an audible voice – but to “feelings” and to others’ validating your ideas with their thoughts. These feelings don’t always hit you over the head, but become a calm knowing. More often than not humans become followers of OTHERS’ ideas, hoping to find themselves, their spiritual path, their healing with someone else’s experiences. This is different than having your own ideas validated.
Direction for healing can come with ideas of a corrective diet, an exercise regime that just feels right, a certain type of meditation and/or medication and/or supplements and/or body work that alleviates the physical symptoms. Listen. If it doesn’t feel right, don’t do it.
Recently, I came across workshop information from November of 1997. It was on "Healing Touch" and kinesiology. Wow, had 12 years really gone by that quickly? It was on Natural Energy Balancing and given by Dr. Betty Lue Lieber, a Psycho-Spiritual therapist, and life partner, Dr. Robert Waldron, N.D. I was delighted to find them on line at: Reunion Ministries; 140 Mayhew Way; Suite 200; Pleasant Hill, CA 9452.
The Information from that workshop is even more valid today in a world that has gone crazy with insurance driven health care. The energy balancing, however, address much much more than just the physical body. To quote Dr. Waldron from the workshop materials, “Respectful Healing Touch offers self-awareness and self-help tools to assist individuals in re-opening the healing energy flows within themselves, allowing them to experience more enthusiasm, vitality, energy, and joy.”
Hmmmmmm, I believe that’s what I was saying to begin with – The wisdom comes from listening to one’s own heart, one’s own ideas, one’s own spiritual guide(s). and now I realize that the foundation of my thoughts of listening to one’s self (one’s body) came from that workshop 12 years ago.