Christmas at the Vargas, 1954...
was the first line of a poem my father wrote in that year. It epitomized what I felt was Christmas, a time surrounded with family and love and mystery and surprises and yes, magic. It was a time of beautiful music and decorated pillars in the church and Santa Claus and oranges.Tonight is "Christmas Eve" and I am reflecting on past years - of what it meant as a child to be in the home of Hungarian descent with all the joy of being and strudels and poppyseed cookies and fried tarts. And then as my own children were small we celebrated the season in our own way - Christmas Eve with his side, Christmas day with mine. Then, a change of religious training and we no longer celebrated the holiday - as it was pagan and not a mass for Christ's death. Eventually we grew and came full circle, celebrating the joy of the Teacher of Teacher's birth.... "Jesus was the reason for the season." Then, two years in a row I celebrated Christmas and Hanukkah in the same household, learning the Hebrew prayers as we lit the Menorah. It was warm and comforting.
This is the third Christmas Eve I am alone....and it truly is a good time for reflection. This past year I met many beautiful people, re-connected with former friends, strengthened bonds between myself and those already dear to me, watched many grow, and was thrilled to be a part of others' healings - mind, body, and spirit.
And my own spiritual path has been opening and I am blessed. Part of me wants that human experience of "Christmas Eve" and the merriment and magic...but even saying that I am excited and anticipatory for what is just waiting there for me to experience..... alone or with others of like-spirit, like-mind.
I started this blogsite to provide a “sounding board” conducive to spiritual growth. Some have contributed without intending to - a few have commented (although I don’t know who Fullmoon Watcher or Anonymous are) and hopefully have made the site more interactive.
Once again, I invite readers to send information, ask questions, write comments. Those who connect in various ways are a part of light workers’ spiritual families. Thus, I extend my love and light to you, my family, Soujourners of Truth.
I will spend time with my Earthly family, Ted, Sandy, and Bryan tomorrow, and I hope to spend time with Debby and her family later in the month. It won’t be the Hungarian-type celebrations I knew as a child, but each will be precious …. ah, the history of Christmases long ago lived.