The Right Thing to Do
My brother believed he did the RIGHT thing and kept me away from my mom for the last two years of her life with the threat of having me arrested for trespassing if I came over; he did the RIGHT thing, spent the money set aside from my father's funeral for a headstone and then would not let my sister, aunt, and I buy one; he did the RIGHT thing and told the funeral director to NOT tell me my mother had passed; he did the RIGHT thing and wouldn't let us have a funeral service for her other than graveside (middle of the winter) even though she loved the church. He told the funeral director that he, my sister, and I would sign over the inheritance money from my mother's insurance toward burial costs. He thought he was RIGHT to make this decision without consulting us. He felt as though it was the RIGHT thing to have everything of my mother's and father's estate - everything. He stood up for what he felt was RIGHT without wavering.My sister had a lot of issues with our brother to the point of his causing her a Bell's Palsy attack. He called her to come to see my mother (hundreds of miles) only to demand things of her and attack her for not doing the RIGHT things that he required. And then told her never to come back. She is now standing up for what she feels is RIGHT and I understand why and celebrate her doing what she feels is RIGHT.
I am also standing up for what I believe to be RIGHT. I believe that because of my brother's actions he has the total responsibility for my mother's debts. My responsibility was ended when I was threatened with arrest if I tried to see her. This is not hear-say -- I have his e-mails telling me this.
Each of us has the God given allowance of standing up for what we believe is RIGHT - even though others may not understand it; even though others you love have a different opinion.