Wednesday, January 12, 2011

2012 - Prepare - Don't Despair!

2012 -- There are so many ideas floating around about the Hopi Indian Stories; the Mayan Calendar; Nostradamus' Predictions and hard-to-decipher quatrains; Jose Arguelles' information; the Pleiadian Light Workers' agenda for Earth, and a score of others' thoughts of what is REALLY going to happen on December 21, 2010. Will the Earth actually do a "flip flop" of the north and south poles? From the scientific explanation of sun spots and loss of electrical use to the Bible's apocalypse the date in question is still being debated -- only, with less than two years left the debate is heating up.

My dear friend, Sir Barry Lee, spoke of the Earth changes back in 1995 while in trance.

To some, the change will be an esoteric change of consciousness. Nothing more. To some, it will be a week or two of inconvenience with technology-driven life as we know it being effected. To some, it is the end of the world all together. To some it is all a bunch of whoo-ey. To the vast majority, the date means nothing.

Tell that to victims of tsunamis; volcanoes; hurricanes; tornadoes; sub-standard living because of oil costs, bank failures, and diseases.

To me? I'm reading every thought that comes to my attention. Here are some books that may give you food for thought:
2012: Biography of a Time Traveler: The Journey of Jose Arguelles
The Mayan Factor: Path Beyond Technology
The 2012 Story: The Myths, Fallacies, and Truth Behind the Most Intriguing Date in History
The Mystery of 2012: Predictions, Prophecies, and Possibilities (compilation by Tami Simon of at least 15 noted writers on the subject.)
I have ordered all four of these books, used, from Amazon with the median price of $6.50 (including shipping). Cheap at any price to read about the "future."

Lastly, there are many MANY items on line about this predicted Earth event. An interesting site, suggested by dear friend, Ed (an astrologer) is more scientific. Check out:

As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord our God. (Bible)... and prepare for changes as we go along. (Common Sense).

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

A Rainbow

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Colorful Salad - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Color Filled Condiments

Having just spent the weekend at the "Raw Chef I" certification class, I am still feeling high and filled with all the colors of the rainbow - eggplant, blueberries, peppers, kale, bananas, oranges, and tomatoes -- well, that is "sort of" a rainbow. There was a rainbow of students as well - from all walks of life and from Oakville and Toronto, Canada; Maryland; Ohio; Illinois; Almost Indiana; and Michigan to name a few homes.

We learned a great deal about gourmet raw dishes - they were so tasty. They were also time consuming to prepare - but we didn't mind because during the lessons of "how to" we learned about each other. This class was as much about working together and adding love to all that we do as it was about ingredients that make a smashing marinara sauce or an award winning rawlicious chocolate cake.

I was very glad for the encouragement as it helped me get back on track. I was eating about 60-75% raw foods.... and hopefully I will up that percentage.