Monday, April 11, 2011


Yesterday was one of the most unseasonable glorious days of the year so far! I sat outside talking and playing dominoes with friends for at least 3 hours. The fresh air and sunshine washed away the winter crud! When I went to bed, the spring peepers were peeping away, filling the entire woods with their delight. This morning, still dark, the birds are singing their little hearts out, calling to the sun for her appearance. Don't you just love nature?

Friday, April 08, 2011

Anticipatory Delight

What is going on in the universe?
This writer is hovering on the edge of something that I can not quite put into words.
Is the full moon on the way? Always. Monthly.
Is it that 80 degrees is promised for the weekend? Perhaps. Unseasonal.
Is it knowledge that there is more to life than meets the eye? Heartfelt. Hopeful.
Does anyone else feel like they are on the brink of something wonderful -- about to happen?
Are you smiling? Is there a hidden reason? Or do you know and not want to admit it?
And after all is said and done -- Why?
Is what is going on in the universe of my being real? Why not?

I am giddy with anticipatory delight... and I am smiling.

Sunday, April 03, 2011

Memory of a Smile

Sorting through boxes - good flu past time - ya' can't do much else. However, this brought a smile to my spirit. I had corresponded with an elderly gentleman 15 years ago. "Elderly" I say because HE said so. I had never thought of him in those terms. I'd sent him a letter, complimenting something he had done. The following is WORD FOR WORD - a note that he faxed to me.

"Shirley, Amidst the clammer of a universe that has educated itself [far too] beyond with intelligence, it still continues, on occasion, to bring joy to the heart of a poor soul that has been trampled by the footery of a society that seemingly, more each day, has lost touch with the conscience of humanity. Thank you for the smile. David Dean" 9/18/96

I still smile when I think of him.