Monday Morning Misery
Okay - I just HAD to experiment...Well, that's my excuse. The truth being known, I got tired and bored with just raw fruits and veggies. I didn't get on the scale for two full weeks, in hopes that my "modified" diet program would work. I'm still alive - which means it worked. I gained 6# which means it worked TOO well.
So, it's back to the blender and green smoothies.
It's back to NO rice cakes, popped corn, or "just a taste" of cooked foods: ie: pumpkin pie; bread; pizza. How did a diet program of 95% raw become a diet program of 10% raw with all the nonsensical foods that I had been avoiding?
It takes time - megga time to plan and to prepare. Working full time doesn't give a lot of culinary time.... however, that too, is an excuse. We all take time for what we think is important. My blood pressure and blood glucose readings have crept up again in just two weeks. The question is -- am I worth the extra time? Am praying about it.
Sunday Evening Philosopher
Aristotle said "Friendship is one soul in two bodies." Wow! A light came on for me when I read that. I know it sounds rather mystical, but it does define what I have felt for a long time. I have a long-time friend and have said that I carry my friend's spirit with me wherever my friend or I go. So, yeah, I understand the definition. Perhaps it will define things for you, the reader, as well.
Also, today, the reality of mortality came crashing down on the family again. My dear brother in law, Dale, suffered a massive heart attack. He had surgery and hopefully will be strong enough for a second surgery Tuesday or Wednesday. Readers, please send light and love and positive healing his way. My sister is with him' please send strength her way.
Do not let another day go by without telling someone that they are loved....
ALMA-JI Healing Method
There is an old adage "You can never go back home." Well, it doesn't always happen that way. Nope, it isn't always necessarily so...
This past weekend I stopped in to Creative Health Institute (see Bobby's Blog link at the right) to participate in the Son/Sun Greeting. I was warmly welcomed and invited to spend the entire day by the program director, Bobby. It was a wonderful feeling to see "spiritual brothers and sisters" and meet new friends. And oh, the fabulous raw gourmet foods! I ended up spending the night and during that Saturday and early Sunday I gave 12 Reiki sessions. When one gives healing it is inevitable that one receives healing as well. Also, while there, I heard a heart-felt, extemporaneous talk, by the resident chef, D.J.
There were people there from Illinois, Iowa, Texas, Alberta, Canada, Toronto, Canada and even the nearby state of Detroit! [grin]. I felt peace and that special aura of "home."
It was a "vaccination" for me of encouragement to stay within the raw foods program... which I have been doing, but allowing some non-raw items into my diet.
There was time for reflection as well. I have been combining my Reiki training with my psychic healing training with my spiritual energy healing. I have been praying about this for quite a while and was given the words "alma" and "ji" which are Spanish for "soul" and "chi".
Chi, as you may know means life force. I may be the first
Alma-ji healing practitioner - but certainly not the first healer that connects mind, body, and spirit. I will be blessed to share this method with you any time. With light and love in this new day. Shirley
Four Weeks
Wow - what a ride! Four weeks and minus 14#.
Had the most scrumptious raw butternut squash "Asian" salad the other day. It has been fun to try new and different recipes. I'm having some difficulty sprouting quinoa - an essential ingredient in many recipes... but not giving up.
And that seems to be the key. Don't give up. I've seen my morning blood sugar reading go from 148 to 87 at it's lowest -- averaging 92... and that is with HALF of the medicine I was taking.
Raw, wholesome foods are expensive - but am saving on meat and dairy products! AND, how can one put a dollar amount on one's health?
BTW - have relegated the microwave to being a storage cupboard. My encouragement to anyone reading this is to get in touch with yourself - get in touch with your higher being - get in touch with health.